Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Squash in bloom

I pollinated the squash this morning. Until I wanted to grow things I could eat (thanks, Michael Pollan), I never imagined sex to be such a integral part of gardening. You got some flowers and sooner or later fruit showed up...
I'm just hoping used a male blossom to pollinate the female and not the other way round.
Sheesh, how embarassingly reminiscent of high school.


Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Hi Laura, I saw your post on Alex's blog and came on over to visit. I love your lyric writing on your posts, and you got me with your favorite books by listing Howl's Moving Castle. I love that book. I was really disappointed that the anime movie didn't keep Sophie's wonderful pluck and the wit of Diana Wynne Jones. Please stop by my blog sometime, too.

Laura Canon said...

I felt the same way about the movie. It was just too different from the book. I read somewhere that DWJ was quoted as liking it, though.